There’s a billboard I pass by on the NJ Turnpike when I drive from Philly to New York. It says:
↶ 581 miles. Buc-ee’s.
I’ve never been to a Buc-ee’s before so I don’t know anything about it, but the internet tells me that it’s a chain of travel centers and gas stations known for clean bathrooms.
Despite my unfamiliarity, I’m always impressed by the swagger of this sign. To be so bold as to suggest I drive 581 miles in the opposite direction to visit this place is audacious. And honestly, it kinda makes me want to.
Whether you’re trying to attract new clients/customers or lobbying for a promotion at work, is your pitch as confident as “↶ 581 miles?”
If you don’t believe in what you’re doing this much, what makes you think that anyone else will?
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