Some tasks have an implicit definition of done built in. For example, “take out the trash” is straightforward to evaluate without too much of a framework: if the trash is still inside, this task is not complete. Once the trash is outside in the trash can, I can stop thinking about this task and move on to something else.
In knowledge work, however, stopping points aren’t always as apparent. Most times, it’s because we have to choose where to stop; otherwise, they could go on indefinitely.
For example, my task might be to design a new personal website (which I’m about to do soon!). Those of you who have designed a personal website before know that you can design a personal website in a day and you can also design one that takes a few years to complete. (Raise your hand if you’ve been working on a personal website for the last few years 🖐️ 🤣 🙊 )
Because this task could take anywhere from 1 day to several years, many of us resort to a helpful technique to help—force?—us to be done: timeboxing! Instead of waiting for the task to naturally come to an end, we pick a deadline: “by next Friday at 5pm Eastern” or “by midnight on May 1.”
(Timeboxing is a great way to hold yourself or someone else accountable.)
Timeboxing is a great gateway to choosing a definition of done. I’d like to show you a few other variables for making this kind of choice.
(My starting point came from Dan Martell’s book, Buy Back Your Time, one of my favorite books I read last year. I’ve since made a few additions.)
Here are three important factors I suggest identifying in your definition of done: facts, feelings, and future.
With those factors in mind, here’s the template I like to fill in:
Project: {{ PROJECT TITLE }}
So, for my personal website redesign project, my definition might look something like this:
Project: Redesign
Then I print this on one sheet of paper and have it sitting next to my desk so I can glance at it often and remind myself what I’m working towards.
How do you usually define done? Reply and let me know so I can update my template with other helpful techniques.
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