A CEO’s COVID-19 Calendar

A daily routine for a COVID-19 world.

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From 2012–2019, I ran a 9-month apprenticeship at SuperFriendly for people new to design and development that wanted to make their way into the tech industry. I’ve previously written about why apprenticeships are valuable and what format I used; here are the details about how I ran them.

Why update? A few things have changed since I made that original schedule:

Here’s what my new schedule looks like.

Dan Mall’s 2020 daily schedule

Some details:

My previous system worked really well for me until it didn’t. So far, I’m liking this system a lot. Even if things go “back to normal” and the kids go back to school in the fall, I may still keep this schedule, or something similar to it. I’ve found very little difference in productivity in currently working 25–30 hours per week as opposed to my previous 35–45 hours per week. In fact, I may be more productive now—and happier with what I’m doing too.

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