Like many others right now you might be working on creating a new portfolio. You may realize some of the pieces you intend to show actually aren’t the best reflection of your work or you don’t have the permission to share it fully because of NDAs or your specific role on the project.
What do you do?
Create projects that showcase your abilities.
But there’s an art to choosing projects that both tell the appropriate stories you want to communicate and that you can execute quickly.
The biggest mistake I see in portfolios is that people treat it like an archive of their work. “Here’s some stuff I did” is the main signal it sends.
That’s a weak story. Just because you worked on it doesn’t mean it should go in your portfolio.
Instead of thinking of your portfolio like an archive, think of it as a pitch or a proposal. You want something from someone: a full-time job, a contract, etc. So, show them what’s in it for them if they hire you.
In order to do that, you have to know something about who you’re pitching. The more specific, the better. It’s good to know that you’re pitching Google on hiring you; it’s better to know that you’re pitching Angela from Google on hiring you. You might discover that Google tends to hire designers who have prior tech experience, but it’s even better to know that Angela from Google has a soft spot for hiring people who have pets.
The most difficult time to decide what portfolio pieces to include is when you’re desperately looking for a job. You’re making decisions under duress, which often leads to think more about what pieces you have over what message you want to send.
Resist that urge. Take a deep breath and think about your thesis. What’s the one thing you want a hiring manager to think about you above every other candidate? Some examples to get you started:
Another useful constraint to set is the number of pieces you intend to show. Some rough guidelines, depending on the signal you want to send:
The last constraint that’s useful to decide before you start making new pieces: how much time you’ll spend on one piece. Especially if you’re trying to get a job quickly, the last thing you want is to spend months on a new portfolio. How much time will you allow for each piece? If you give yourself a day per project, a senior-level portfolio will take you about a week to create. If you give yourself a week per project, a junior or mid-level portfolio will take 3 weeks to create.
(One last note about this: even though you may be in a rush, be reasonable about your portfolio as an investment. You may be looking for someone to pay you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. To think that can reasonably happen through a portfolio you slap together over a weekend is a longshot. If it was easy to spend two days on something that earns you 6-figures, everyone would be doing it. As much as it sucks to accept, spending 3 weeks on a portfolio might be a worthwhile investment to give you job security for the next few months or years.)
A frequent go-to for people looking to fill some portfolio slots is to dig up an obscure side project to show. That Github weekend excursion where you tried to learn Processing? Those series of “Hello World” experiments with SwiftUI? Certainly, these show that you’re open minded to learning new things, right?
Stop that. No one wants to see your unkempt sock drawer.
Every piece of work in your portfolio should be a complete thought. Side projects often aren’t, which is still valuable for you as a thought exercise, but they don’t often belong in a portfolio.
Instead of thinking of what side projects you can quickly pull off, reframe it like this: what story arcs can I share? A good story arc has exposition, rising action, a climax, falling action, and a resolution.
Armed with a pitch mindset and appropriate constraints, here are 7 different strategies I would use to create portfolio pieces that send a strong message that I’m the right person to hire.
Why do this kinds of examples work? Because they’re real. They’re complete thoughts. They’re not abbreviated ideas. They show that you’re talented, thoughtful, resourceful, ambitious, and original—all the things hiring managers want from a direct report and individual contributors want from a teammate and colleague.
Do you have a similar idea and want some feedback about whether or not it’d be a good portfolio piece? Reply and let me know about it and I’ll give you my perspective on it.
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