Take the Risk

Turn their fear into an opportunity for both of you.

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Around 1 minutes to read

Wanna know one of the best ways to help someone?

Identify some of their risks and remove it. In other words, take the risk… as in, take the risk away from them. Adopt their risk as your own, on their behalf.

It works in situations small to large.

It might be risky for a friend to go to a new book club on their own, but you can take their risk by going with them.

It might be risky for your manager to be in charge of a new team, but you can take their risk by offering to help the team wherever there’s a gap. Or, you might offer to take the blame if something goes wrong.

It might be risky for your prospective client to invest in a social media ad campaign for the first time, but you can take their risk by providing your experience having run dozens of social media ad campaigns yourself.

Taking the risk has 2 major benefits: it gets you trust from the person you’re taking the risk from, and it makes you most eligible and likely to reap the rewards.

The next time everyone else is afraid of doing something that might result in a loss for them, you can spot the opportunity and volunteer to be the one to take the risk.

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