Working With Dan Mall

Here are a few pointers for anyone that will be working directly with me.

I’m a fairly typical representation of my personality types. If you know anything about people who are INTJ, Aquarius, 5w4, or volatile, that’s pretty much me. Most of what you’ll find below uses language that others have used to describe one or more of these personality types.

Personality Traits

I’m intellectually curious with a deep-seated thirst for knowledge.

I defy conventions, not from a need to be contrary, but as a way to be true to myself. I question most things and base my worldview on evidence and reasoning. I’m constantly making an active choice to be naively optimistic even though I’m ever-skeptical but never-cynical.

I’m a strategic thinker with big visions. I’m very future-oriented; I’m usually thinking about later today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next year. I have calendar events for 10 years from now. I’m not naturally present, but I can be if I’m actively focused on it.

When I’m in the zone, I’m innovating, analyzing, and making my ambitious dreams a reality with my logical mind.

My mind is always going, and many people are exhausted by my nonstop analysis of everything around me, so I often keep it to myself, usually to my own detriment.

My life is full of “contradictions.” I’m imaginative yet decisive. I’m ambitious yet private. I’m private yet very public. I’m curious yet focused. All of those things make perfect sense to me.

I appreciate strategy and luck equally.

I see the world as “cause and effect” more than “right or wrong” or “good or bad.”

I rely on past experiences when problem-solving. When I’m having a problem, I’m usually looking for a solution more than I’m looking for comfort and empathy.

I get annoyed with people quickly. It takes a lot for me to take something personally.

I have opinions about everything, and most of them are unpopular.


I value creative ingenuity, straightforward rationality, and self-improvement. I consistently work toward enhancing my intellectual abilities and am often driven by an intense desire to master any and every topic that piques my interest.

I appreciate people who respond to my ideas with the sentiment, “Let”s try it.”

I love learning. No matter what I’m doing, if I’m learning, I’m usually pretty happy. I’m dedicated to self-improvement. I usually spend my downtime doing some kind of learning in an entertaining way, from listening to a book to watching a movie to appreciate a cinematic technique to playing a sport or a video game and trying to get better at it.

I want to be successful more than I want to be unique or inventive. Even though I’m polite most of the time, I have little patience for people who slow me down by enforcing what I think are pointless rules or offer poorly thought-out criticism. I do appreciate astute observations, especially ones I haven’t thought of.

I think taking the easy way out usually prevents people from achieving greatness. I like to use any influence or power I have to empower people to think for themselves and embrace their personal power to make the world better collectively. I like to think I have humanity’s best interest in mind.

I cherish people who appreciate my intensity and depth of thought. I like to debate, sometimes as a way to test how strongly I believe something.

I’m not afraid to break rules or risk disapproval, and sometimes I even enjoy it. I’m a rascal. But I also have no problem following the rules if they make sense to me.

I hate small talk and banter. I try to avoid drama. I try to say what I mean and I mean what I say.

I unfailingly believe the best is yet to come.

I like being invited way more than I like actually going.

Strengths & Weaknesses

I’m great at creative thinking and expression. Because I often resist the status quo, I’m especially gifted at innovating new solutions to old problems.

I’m a professional’s professional. When someone hires me, I’ll see to it that it gets done and in the best possible way.

When I’m leading, I tend to do so by example.

I don’t think too much about what natural talents or abilities I have. I do have a fair bit of grit and I put a lot of work into self-improvement.

I work well independently. I pride myself on my ability to think for myself, and I don’t mind acting along. In fact, I prefer my own company most of the time. I have little problem making decisions without consensus, though I do value the input of people I trust and admire. I don’t accept anything as truth until I can measure it up against my existing worldview.

I recognize patterns quickly.

I’m logical and quick-witted, and I have a knack for seeing through phoniness and hypocrisy. I often utilize my irrevent wit and sharp, delightfully sarcastic sense of humor.

I have a high self-esteem that I think stems from my intellect. I wholeheartedly embrace having been a nerd my whole life.

I’m not warm and fuzzy. I prioritize rationality and success over politness and pleasantries. I’d rather be right than popular, but I’d rather be happy than right.

My love language is “acts of service.”

Being misunderstood triggers me most.

I sometimes come across aggressive when I’m excited.

It irritates me when people ask for my advice then don’t take it.

I’m not great at showing sympathy. I’m not very empathetic.