I’ve previously written about how I schedule my day, but Colin Devroe’s blog post tag is a welcome excuse to update this info.
- 4:30am–5am: Wake up.
- 5am–6am: Mission work.
- 6am–7am: Get ready/get kids ready for the day.
- 7am–8am: Drive kids to school and get back home.
- 8am–12pm: Work. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, I reserve this slot for flow time. On Tuesdays and Fridays, this time is open for SuperFriends and clients to schedule meetings with me.
- 12pm–1pm: Lunch.
- 1pm–1:30pm: Work wind-down.
- 1:30pm–2:30pm: Pick up kids from school.
- 2:30pm–5:30pm: Help kids with homework and do some writing/reading/sketching/thinking.
- 5:30pm–6:30pm: Family dinner time.
- 6:30pm–7:15pm: Bum around time/kids’ bath time.
- 7:15pm–7:30pm: Read together and put kids to bed.
- 7:30pm–8:30pm: Optional work wrap-up time if there’s anything urgent from the day. Otherwise…
- 7:30pm–9:30pm: …wind-down/ relax with Em.
- 9:30pm: Bedtime.
Check out Chris Coyier’s typical day.
Also tagging Julia Fernandez, Sara Soueidan, Mike Carbone, Dave Rupert, and Rob Weychert.
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